Chiang Mai APAA 2012 Day 2
2October 29, 2012 by IPAlchemist
So, the beginning of Day 2.
I am ignoring the official programme (so shoot me – I was in very good company). Had to catch up with blogging, and the home emails which didn’t stop just because I was in Thailand, unfortunately…
…and of course I had to meet lots of delegates.
I have been really struck by how friendly this conference is. While I am not particularly experienced at big international IP conferences, I am experienced about rooms full of patent attorneys, and they (we) are generally a shy bunch, and rather reserved. Here, I have been astonished by how freely people will come up to you and introduce themselves, whether at the social events in the evenings, or just during the day in the lobby. This has led to meeting many interesting people in addition to the ones I had planned to meet.
So now I am at the end of Day Two.
The evening reception in the grounds of the Mandarin Oriental has been amazing. Strewn everywhere were little stalls where people were making delicious pieces of gorgeousness to eat, so we just wandered round and had a little of each. Meanwhile, more fantastic performances with amazing costumes of all varieties, including men performing comic mock Thai boxing (at least that is what I think it was).
And there was an elephant. A real live elephant, bedecked in the APAA emblem. How many international conferences get to have their own elephant mascot? Our hosts here in Thailand have done us proud with a most wonderful show of hospitality.
I have some pictures again, but many have not come out well due to the difficulties of shooting in the dark a floodlit stage.
Dear readers will have to wait a little longer for the snaps, but I will post them I promise. But for now I have to call it a night, as I have an early start for a visit to an elephant sanctuary tomorrow.
Category IP (Intellectual Property), Travel | Tags: APAA
I wonder if it is the same elephant sanctuary a friend of mine visited a few years ago. At the time she was working for Guiness and was there to adjudicate on the world record attempt for the largest painting by an elephant.
I think it is – we saw some elephant painting at the centre, which was actually amazing.